January 8, 2020

Wednesday, January 8th

Today we learned about the 
presented by the 
American Heart Association!  

*Be prepared
*Do one good deed a day
*Get 60 minutes of physical activity daily

Starting December 11th:  Frishman will be in the pool.  Butzin will be in the gym.  This schedule stays until January 17th.

Character Connections Word of the week: CARING
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead

Please initial the planner each day at the bottom to show us that you are aware of what has been assigned!

The blue take home folder is in your child's binder!   Please have your child share these with you.  You will see papers in there throughout the year at random times.  Please prompt your child to bring you those items when they appear!

Ask your child if he/she is leaving class a lot to get a drink of water!  If so, please send your child with a WATER BOTTLE to keep here in class and refill each day!

Today's Homework:

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD HAS PLENTY OF PENCILS INSIDE HIS/HER BINDER!!!  Most students do not have pencils each day and this makes things challenging for them!

***For reading homework, your child is free to read anything as long as it is approved by you!  This includes magazines, newspapers, chapter books, anything!

3rd Grade Reading:  20 or more minutes
4th Grade Reading:  30 or more minutes

Compass Learning: 20 minutes per week in Math or Reading

Language Arts:  We are working hard on our narrative writing in class.  We are also learning about "thick versus thin" questions.  Finally, we are working on reading at our "just right" levels and challenging ourselves as readers.

Word Study:
Signed Spelling Letter/Assignment Due Tuesday, January 21 (assigned 1/7/2020)

Remember – DO NOT click theTestMe options on spellingcity.org. Save that button for the day of your test. (You may complete the Spelling and Vocabulary Practice Tests though.)

3rd Grade Math:
H 3-8
Online Tests for 8x/ facts are due on January 10.  Students should practice 8x/ facts each day in preparation for the test.
Xtra Math-3+ rounds with Mr. C.

 3 days per week minimum
Xtramath Enrollment flyers were given out in class to those student still needing to enroll. Please let me know if you need another copy. We will focus on Multiplication using this site. Please ask a parent to follow the directions on the Xtramath flyer.
Parents - If your child used Xtramath in 2nd grade, please enroll them using the code on their letter so that they begin where they left off with previous multiplication practice. If they did not do multiplication yet, this is where they will start

4th Grade Math:
So far in this unit, we have completed journal pages 127-134.  These were done in class.
HR 4-4
Online tests (#7) due 1/27/20

Social Studies:
We are excited to explore the following as we continue our study of Michigan's
"Visitors From Far Away":
opportunity cost
controlling the fur trade
cause and effect
French and Indian War
pursuit of happiness

Soon we will start our unit on Rocks, Minerals and Landforms!

Daily Reminders:
*Bring a chapter book.
*Bring a water bottle and two healthy snacks every day.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

  Ask your child to share with you their Opinion Writing Podcast produced on Seesaw!  The students did a great job on this  "Would You ...