If you have any gallon or half-gallon containers that are empty, we could use them for Science. Please rinse the container and send them in!
Happy October! As we move into the second week of the month, we want to take a moment to reflect on our ongoing commitment to fostering kindness within our BCS community. We believe that creating an environment where kindness flourishes is essential for our students’ growth and well-being. To support this, we are encouraging students to engage in acts of kindness, whether big or small. We invite you to discuss with your children the importance of treating others with compassion and empathy.
The students of rooms 204 and 206 value the 3 Es in our classrooms....Education, Each Other, and our Environment!
*Please check below for assignments and important dates, which will be updated throughout the week. Add your email to the 'Follow Feed' of this blog to receive update notifications.
Today's Homework:
Nature Center Field Trip Letter went home on 10/10/24 and is due 10/11/24. Ask you child to share this with you and return it signed by a parent.
Scholastic Book Ordering:
Due: Our next book order will be in November!
Our book ordering will be exclusively online.
3rd Grade Reading: 20+ minutes
4th Grade Reading: 30+ minutes
-3rd Grade:
-We have 3 iready math lessons due by Friday, October 11. These can be accessed on any device with internet. Visit Birmingham Public Schools and search for ClassLink.
-Complete at least 3 sessions of Xtramath by Friday. (Students should complete 1 session which is about 5-7 minutes. Click continue until Mr. C says that you are done!)
-A few students need to return signed checkpoints on Monday! Ask you child about this! Students brought home Checkpoints A and B for a signature. If he/she has not yet shown it to you and brought it in with a signature, please ask for it! These need to be signed by a parent to show me that you saw it. It will not be taken from your child once I see the signature so it can be used for studying as well.
Parents, please write the email address that you used for xtramath on page 1 in your child's planner! This will allow your child to easily access Xtramath on the Chromebook at school.
Click here for Grade 3 IM Family Resources -Unit letters and Videos
-4th Grade:
Your child received his/her graded test on Friday. It was due today with a signature for me to see.
We have online fact tests due on Monday, October 21. We also have 3 iready math lessons due by Friday, October 11 (6 total for the year). These can be accessed on any device with internet. Visit Birmingham Public Schools and search for ClassLink.
Click Here to Access Illustrative Math Family Resources for each unit of study
Language Arts:
-Bring chapter books to read in class. You will keep your books inside of your desk.
-3rd graders: Read 20 minutes each night
-4th graders: Read 30 minutes each night
We will take out spelling test in class on Friday! Each week your child will write the words in his/her planner. The word lists are also available to study using Powerspelling (your child knows their login). This is an optional way to study if your child has their own device at home. Student logins are taped inside of your child's planner. Please show your weekly spelling test score to your parents in Powerspelling- Click Scores/Results.
This week's pattern= Homophones
Please ask your child to show you the following:
1. Planner