Week of October 28- Nov 1, 2024


Halloween Costume Guidelines

In the spirit of creating a safe and considerate Halloween environment for our elementary-age students, we request that costumes refrain from being overly frightening. Additionally, we must be mindful of avoiding any promotion of violent behavior that would be considered inappropriate on any other day.

Please adhere to the following costume guidelines:

All Halloween costumes at BCS must steer clear of violent themes. This means no blood, gore, or imitation weapons of any kind, including pirate swords and light sabers.

  1. Masks should not be excessively scary or represent violent characters.
  2. Culturally insensitive outfits are not allowed.
  3. Costumes should not make fun of real people, human traits, or any culture.
  4. Historical costumes should be accurate and void of misinformation.
  5. Ensure that costumes provide good visibility and allow for easy breathing.

It's worth noting that students can still have costumes like "army soldiers" or "pirates" without accompanying weapons. We aim for all students to enjoy the day without costume-related issues. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out! Let's make this Halloween a memorable and respectful occasion for all our students. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

We believe that creating an environment where kindness flourishes is essential for our students’ growth and well-being. To support this, we are encouraging students to engage in acts of kindness, whether big or small. We invite you to discuss with your children the importance of treating others with compassion and empathy. 

The students of rooms 204 and 206 value the 3 Es in our classrooms....Education, Each Other, and our Environment! 


*Please check below for assignments and important dates which will be updated throughout the week. Add your email to the "Follow Feed" of this blog to receive update notifications.

Today's Homework:

Scholastic Book Ordering:

Due:  Book orders are due November 4! 

Our book ordering will be exclusively online.

With Scholastic Reading Club:
·         Every book you buy earns FREE Books for our classroom library
·         You can choose from handpicked, grade- and reading-level-specific books for your child
·         You'll find the best values on a variety of formats, including eBooks

·         VISIT scholastic.com/readingclub (link is posted on our class blog)
·          ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code  
    Butzin Class Code: HDPNQ https://orders.scholastic.com/HDPNQ
    Frishman Class Code: LHYKF

3rd Grade Reading:  20+ minutes
4th Grade Reading:  30+ minutes


-3rd Grade: 

-Students are bringing Checkpoint A on Monday.   Please sign it so I know you saw it.  I will then send it back home with your child.

-We have 3 iready math lessons due by Friday, October 18 (15 total for the year). These can be accessed on any device with internet.  Visit Birmingham Public Schools and search for ClassLink. 

-Complete at least 3 sessions of Xtramath by Friday.  (Students should complete 1 session which is about 5-7 minutes.  Click continue until Mr. C says that you are done!)

Click here for Grade 3 IM Family Resources -Unit letters and Videos 

To access Xtramath:
Account setup directions were sent home on the XtraMath flyer.
Type XtraMath into your browser (bookmark this site)
Log in with your 4-digit PIN (the last four numbers on your account number)
(Complete 1 session which is about 5-7 mins - Click "continue" until Mr. C says, "You're done!")

-4th Grade:  

On Tuesday your child received a packet of optional homework.  Optional means parents decide!  You are in charge!  It is also optional to turn it in.

We have a new set of online fact tests due on Monday, November 4.  We also have 3 iready math lessons due by Friday, November 1 (15 total for the year by Friday).  These can be accessed on any device with internet.  Visit Birmingham Public Schools and search for ClassLink.    

Click Here to Access Illustrative Math Family Resources for each unit of study 

Language Arts: 

-Bring chapter books to read in class.  You will keep your books inside of your desk. 

-3rd graders:  Read 20 minutes each night

-4th graders:  Read 30 minutes each night

We will take out spelling test in class on Friday! Each week your child will write the words in his/her planner.  The word lists are also available to study using Powerspelling (your child knows their login). This is an optional way to study if your child has their own device at home.  Student logins are taped inside of your child's planner. Please show your weekly spelling test score to your parents in Powerspelling- Click Scores/Results

This week's pattern= Vowel patterns: ou, ow, a, au

Social Studies: 

We are discovering the social sciences and exploring regions of the United States.  
    Ask you child about the Learning Targets:
    -Map Skills: compass rose, latitude/longitude, parts of a globe, hemispheres, 
        map legend, coordinate grid map

Our current unit of study is Motion and Matter. 
    Ask you child about the Learning Targets:  
         -How can we change the motion of wheels rolling down ramps?
        -How are magnetism and gravity the same?
        -What do scientists do? 
        -Tell a parents about your group experiments with magnets. 


Week of January 13-17, 2025

Ask your child to share with you their One   Word of the year goal! ****We have a half day on Friday, January 17th.  School will end at 11:...