Week of September 23- September 27, 2024

This week, we officially welcome the arrival of fall and mark the completion of our fourth week of school! Our focus remains on fostering kindness within our BCS community, ensuring that every student is treated with fairness. The students of rooms 204 and 206 value the 3 Es in our classrooms....Education, Each Other, and our Environment!  

Students will be taking the iReady Reading Diagnostic in class on Tuesday, September 24.

Chromebook Reminder:
The Chromebooks will remain at school and inside of the charging cart for use in the classroom throughout the day.  Thank you for returning the Acceptable Use Policy Agreement.
-per Jill Geden


Please ask your child if he/she has a pair of working heaphones/earbuds at school.  We use them all year long and they need to be kept in school.

*Please check below for assignments and important dates, which will be updated throughout the week. Add your email to the 'Follow Feed' of this blog to receive update notifications.

Next week is our first spirit week of the year!

Today's Homework:

Scholastic Book Ordering:

Due 9/27/24  

Our book ordering will be exclusively online.

With Scholastic Reading Club:
·         Every book you buy earns FREE Books for our classroom library
·         You can choose from handpicked, grade- and reading-level-specific books for your child
·         You'll find the best values on a variety of formats, including eBooks

·         VISIT scholastic.com/readingclub (link is posted on our class blog)
·          ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code  
    Butzin Class Code: HDPNQ https://orders.scholastic.com/HDPNQ
    Frishman Class Code: LHYKF

3rd Grade Reading:  20+ minutes
4th Grade Reading:  30+ minutes


-3rd Grade: 

-Parents, please write the email address that you used for xtramath on page 1 in your child's planner!  This will allow your child to easily access Xtramath on the Chromebook at school. 

-Complete at least 3 sessions of Xtramath by Friday.  (Students should complete 1 session which is about 5-7 minutes.  Click continue until Mr. C says that you are done!)

Click here for Grade 3 IM Family Resources -Unit letters and Videos 

To access Xtramath:
Account setup directions were sent home on the XtraMath flyer.
Type XtraMath into your browser (bookmark this site)
Log in with your 4-digit PIN (the last four numbers on your account number)
(Complete 1 session which is about 5-7 mins - Click "continue" until Mr. C says, "You're done!")

-4th Grade:  

Yesterday your child received Checkpoint A.  If he/she has not yet shown it to you and brought it in with a signature, please ask for it!

We received a "test letter" today (Thursday) which will help you help your child prepare for our first unit test.  Unit 1 will be tested on Wednesday, October 2nd.  I will collect the signed test letters on Wednesday before we take the test.

Last week on Tuesday we received a paper called "Let's Practice Our Facts".  Ask your child about it as it must be signed by October 7.  We have online fact tests due on Monday, October 7.  We also have 3 iready math lessons due by Friday, October 4.  These can be accessed on any device with internet.  Visit Birmingham Public Schools and search for ClassLink.    

Click Here to Access Illustrative Math Family Resources for each unit of study 

Language Arts: 

-Bring chapter books to read in class.  You will keep your books inside of your desk. 

-3rd graders:  Read 20 minutes each night

-4th graders:  Read 30 minutes each night

-We will take out spelling test in class  on Friday! Each week your child will write the week's words in his/her planner.  We will also post them here.  Kids have an option to practice their words by playing the spelling games on PowerSpelling.  They have logins taped to the insides of their planners. Please show your weekly spelling test score to your parents in Powerspelling- Click Scores/Results

Social Studies: 
We are discovering the social sciences and exploring regions of the United States.  

Our first unit of study will be Motion and Matter.

Please ask your child  to show you the following:

1.  Planner


Week of February 24-28, 2025

   Welcome back from Midwinter Recess! We're excited to see you and jump back into learning together ! We believe that creating an envir...