Week of Monday, September 9- Friday, September 13


Our second week of school has been wonderful! This week in class we learned about what makes a good friend.  Ask your child to share with you all of the details for making a new friend at BCS. We are practicing these strategies everyday on our fabulous playground and throughout the day at school.

****Simply add your email to the "Follow" feed to receive notifications of weekly updates.

Remember to bring in your friend and family pics!


*Please check this blog daily for homework updates and important information.

Today's Homework:

Scholastic Book Orders:

Due 9/18/24  Please see the book order letter that was sent home for ordering directions. 

Technology Letter sent home on 9/10/24:  Please read and get a parent and student signature.  Students should return the letter ASAP in order to get a Chromebook. 


3rd Grade Reading:  20+ minutes

4th Grade Reading:  30+ minutes


-3rd Grade: 

-Get Xtramath letter signed and have a a parent register you!  Follow the directions on the letter.  All students should be enrolled in XTRAMATH by Friday, September 13. 

-Parents, please write the email address that you used for xtramath on page 1 in your child's planner!  This will allow your child to easily access Xtramath on the Chromebook at school.  

Click here for Grade 3 IM Family Resources -Unit letters and Videos 

To access Xtramath:
Account setup directions were sent home on the XtraMath flyer.
Type XtraMath into your browser (bookmark this site)
Log in with your 4-digit PIN (the last four numbers on your account number)
(Complete 1 session which is about 5-7 mins - Click "continue" until Mr. C says, "You're done!")

4th Grade Math:  Please ask your child to show you his/her green math fact packet.  I would like this returned with a signature tomorrow.  

Click Here to Access Illustrative Math Family Resources for each unit of study 

Language Arts:  

Ask your child if he/she finished our poster in class.  If not, your child is bringing it home to complete by Monday!

Each week your child will write the week's words in his/her planner.  We will also post them here.  Kids have an option to practice their words by playing the spelling games on PowerSpelling.  They have logins taped to the insides of their planners. Please show your weekly spelling test score to your parents in Powerspelling- Click Scores/Results.

Social Studies: 
We will begin our study of Birmingham and regions of the United States.  

Our first unit of study will be Motion and Matter.


Please ask your child  to show you the following:

1.  Planner

2. Take Home Folder

3.  Friends and Family letter (inside the take home folder)

4.  Welcome Letter with important information for you (inside the take home folder)

5.  Writer's Notebook Homework Letter (Due September 11 and inside the take home folder) 

6.  Pictures can be ordered online


Week of February 24-28, 2025

   Welcome back from Midwinter Recess! We're excited to see you and jump back into learning together ! We believe that creating an envir...