Monday, October 2


Due to scheduling difficulties, we will be holding our fall zoom conferences during the week of October 9.  This will be in place of our regular November conference.  Please use the link on the right to sign up for a zoom slot that works for you.  We look forward to discussing your child’s progress with you!

On Friday, your child came home with a form for you to fill out in preparation for our conferences. This form is due by Wednesday, October 4th. Thank you for completing it and having your child return it!

Parents:  Please make sure your child has headphones or earbuds that can stay in his/her desk all year long!  


*While your child is allowed to bring home his/her chromebook, we don't recommend it on a regular basis because we don't have chargers for kids to take home.  Their chargers are in our cart.  When students take home their chromebooks, they often come back dead and are unable to be used in class.  All of our resources can be accessed anywhere on any device where there is internet!  Start by visiting www.birmingham.k12.mi.us and scroll down until you see the link for logging into classlink.  Ask your child to show you around ClassLink and what we have used so far. 


*Please check this blog daily for homework updates and important information.

Today's Homework:

Book Orders:

If you would like to place a book order please click on the page link for Scholastic Book Orders at the top of our blog.  Book orders for the month of September are due on September 29.  Happy Reading!

·         VISIT scholastic.com/readingclub (link is posted on our class blog)
·          ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code  
    Butzin Class Code: HDPNQ

    Frishman Class Code: LHYKF

-3rd Grade Reading:  20+ minutes

-4th Grade Reading:  30+ minutes

-Bring a chapter book for class each day.  You will keep this book inside your desk or binder.  

Language Arts:  

We are getting to know ourselves as readers and writers.  We started editing and typing our autobiographies.  We are using the CUPS acronym to help us edit.  Ask your child to take you on Schoology to show you what we accomplished today (it is in our Academic Lab in the language arts folder).  


-We will take our Spelling Test on Friday in class. Students will need their devices in class each day along with headphones. 
-Optional Spelling Games
-Our next spelling test is Friday, October 6 

-Each week your child will write the week's words in his/her planner.  We will also post them here.  Kids have an option to practice their words by playing the spelling games on PowerSpelling.  They have logins taped to the insides of their planners.  

-We are working on spelling patterns that involve plural words and their endings.

This week's words are:  beliefs, calamities, canopies, countries, crutches, difficulties, eddies, geniuses, identities, losses, mangoes, molecules, mosquitoes, notches, possibilities, potatoes, rattlers, reptiles, surroundings, zeros

Social Studies: 

Michigan Post Card assignment was due today!  We can't wait to learn about your favorite places in Michigan! Remember to take pride in your work!


Science: We are currently enjoying our study of water and climate.  Ask your child what we did in the science lab yesterday!  We are trying to use scientific words to describe the behavior of the water.  It's a lot of fun!


-3rd Grade

-Log into IM and show a parent the video under "my assignments"(We practiced this in class.)

--2 iready math lessons due October 6 (You must pass a lesson for it to count.)

-Xtramath 3x per week   
 (Students should complete 1 session which is about 5-7 mins - Click "continue" until Mr. C says, "You're done!")

To access iReady:
- Go to the Birmingham Public Schools Website
- Scroll Down to ClassLink (bookmark this site) 
- Log in
- Click on the iReady App and select Math Pathway

To access Xtramath:
Account setup directions were sent home on the XtraMath flyer.
Type XtraMath into your browser (bookmark this site)
Log in with your 4-digit PIN (the last four numbers on your account number)
(Complete 1 session which is about 5-7 mins - Click "continue" until Mr. C says, "You're done!")

-4th Grade

-We will have our Unit 1 test on Thursday.  Ask your child to show you the red test letter he/she recieved Friday.  

-Unit 1 books went home Friday.

-Your child received an optional homework packet on Friday.  This is a great review for the test but I told the kids that parents get to decide if they complete optional work or not!

-3 iready math lessons due October 6 (you must pass a lesson for it to count)

-Online tests due on October 13  (assigned 9-29-23)!


-If your child has NOT shown you any of the handouts I gave during this unit, please ask to see them now!!

Please visit this quizlet with your child to help him/her review factors, multiples, and prime and composite numbers.


Learning Targets:

-Summarize our reading in The Hundred Dresses
-Character Traits of Wanda, Peggy and Maddie in The Hundred Dresses
-Map Skills- Continents/US/Great Lakes/Michigan Upper and Lower Peninsulas
-Spelling patterns: plural word ending changes
-properties/behaviors of water


District Math Updates: This year we are on a math adventure with a new program chosen by Birmingham Public Schools.  For an introduction to this new math program, please click here!  If you would like to have a preview of your child's upcoming math units, please click here!



The BCS Directory- LAST CALL
Each year you need to add or update your family's information to be included in the BCS directory. You get to choose which fields are displayed. Being included in the directory is a great way for parents to reach out for playdates and birthday parties. 
Please email jennybwheeler@gmail.com with any questions
The Deadline for being included in the BCS directory is Friday, September 29th. You can also visit the above link to purchase a printed copy of the directory. 

3/4 Coney Bingo
Bring your family out for a great evening of Food, Bingo, Prizes, and Friends! Even a fun game of "Get to Know Your Principals!"
All 3/4 families are invited to join us on Thursday, October 12th from 6-8 in the BCS cafeteria! Tickets are $10 for food and bingo (Hot dog/Coney dog, chips, cookies, and water) or $5 for bingo only.  Tickets can be ordered at  https://bcspta.membershiptoolkit.com/form/m/258392
We need almost 40 volunteers to make this fun night happen! Many hands make light work. Please go to the link below and sign up! All shifts are just 30 minutes in the Cafeteria so you can enjoy the event with your family too! Thank you! 



Week of March 3-7, 2025

  We believe that creating an environment where kindness flourishes is essential for our students’ growth and well-being. To support this, w...