Monday, September 18, 2023


Parents:  Please make sure your child has headphones or earbuds that can stay in his/her desk all year long!  


*Please check this blog daily for homework updates and important information.

Today's Homework:

Book Orders:

If you would like to place a book order please click on the page link for Scholastic Book Orders at the top of our blog.  Book orders for the month of September are due on September 29.  Happy Reading!

·         VISIT scholastic.com/readingclub (link is posted on our class blog)
·          ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code  
    Butzin Class Code: HDPNQ

    Frishman Class Code: LHYKF

-3rd Grade Reading:  20+ minutes

-4th Grade Reading:  30+ minutes

-Bring a chapter book for class each day.  You will keep this book inside your desk or binder.  

Language Arts:  We are getting to know ourselves as readers and writers.  Today we started editing and typing our autobiographies.  We are using the CUPS acronym to help us edit.  Ask your child to take you on Schoology to show you what we accomplished today (it is in our Academic Lab in the language arts folder).  

Social Studies: Ask your child to show you the postcard assignment given out today.  It is due on 9-29-23.  We can't wait to learn about your favorite places in Michigan! 


-3rd Grade- 

Make sure your child has registered for the Xtra Math program and include the parent email in the registration.  Please enroll following the steps in the flyer that students brought home. Complete a session with Mr. C.

Please complete two or more iready math lessons by 9-22-23. 

We completed addition, subtraction, division and multiplication timed pretests in class today on thatquiz.   

-4th Grade- 

1.  Throughout the unit you will see papers come home that say "keep to study".  Your child can keep those papers in the blue folder the entire unit or in a safe place at home.  When you see that the Unit 1 test is coming up (announced here), you can pull those papers to review in preparation.

2.  We have 3 iready math lessons due on September 25th!

3.  We have our first set of online tests due on September 29th which is a Friday.  Please have your child show you the website we do these quizzes on (linked to the right on this blog).  Your child has a blue or white piece of paper in his/her folder and he/she will be recording scores there.  

PARENTS:  YOU ARE ALLOWED TO DO ALL THE TYPING FOR YOUR KIDS!  In fact, we recommend it!  It is often hard for the kids to think of the facts and type them in.  If you just let them work on the facts and you do the typing, they will experience more progress!

District Math Updates: This year we are on a math adventure with a new program chosen by Birmingham Public Schools.  For an introduction to this new math program, please click here!  If you would like to have a preview of your child's upcoming math units, please click here!

Mark Your Calendar!


Please ask your child to show you the following:

1.  Planner

2. Blue Folder

3.  Friends and Family letter (inside the blue folder)

4.  Welcome Letter with important information for you (inside the blue folder)


Week of February 24-28, 2025

   Welcome back from Midwinter Recess! We're excited to see you and jump back into learning together ! We believe that creating an envir...