Friday, March 17, 2023





BCS Blast Auction
Help Needed! Join the BCS Blast Auction Committee. Help the BCS PTA with its one and
only fundraiser. Several roles are available, including donation solicitor, photographer, and
editor. Help makes this auction look incredible to ensure we raise vital funds for BCS!



Did you know that you can get a Baldwin Library Card for free?  It will give you free access to books, movies, ebooks, and audiobooks that we can use at school as well!  Just follow this link and check out the directions to find out how!  https://www.baldwinlib.org/get-library-card/

Battle of the Books!!

Please contact Youth Services at youth.reference@baldwinlib.org if you have further questions.


·         VISIT scholastic.com/readingclub (link/details on the scholastic page)
·         Click on the digital ALL FLYERS link
·          ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code  
    Butzin Class Code: HDPNQ
    Frishman Class Code: LHYKF


***Does your child have headphones or earbuds at school? Please ask and be sure to send in a pair that can stay at school all year!

***Does your child leave class a lot to get drinks?  If you ask and he/she says yes, please send a water bottle daily!


Language Arts: 

3rd graders - Read 20 mins (minimum) each night

4th graders - Read 30 mins (minimum) each night

(Bring in a chapter book to read in class. You will keep your book inside your binder) 

Language Arts: 
We are researching for our nonfiction reading and writing unit!  Soon you will see our final projects come home from this wonderful Social Studies and Language Arts combined unit! Kids did the best job!

Spelling:   Our test will be on Monday, April 3 and the game assignments are due on the test date.  If your child is ever absent for a spelling test, it will be active online that morning and can be done at home.  

Week 18:  This week's spelling pattern: words with the VCV pattern: Two syllable words

This week's words are written in your child's planner



3rd grade Math -

Take 2 online tests on area and perimeter.  We completed this in class today.

Share your unit 6 test results with a parent.  Go to Thinkcentral App (on ClassLink) Click My Scores and Expand all answers and show your unit post-test score to a parent. Some students need to return the test letter tomorrow!  


Today in class we completed journal pages: none

-XtraMath: Complete 3+ sessions on XtraMath each week

-OLT (focus on 8) due April 10, 2023
(Students will complete this assignment at home.)  Study your facts before taking the quizzes.  There will be a multiplication and a division quiz. 

-4+ iReady lessons must be PASSED this week by Friday. 

Please note:  We are going to jump to units 6 and 7 and complete those unit units before going back to unit 5 at the end of the year.  That way our student have experience with geometry and fractions before taking the M-step in the spring.  

*To View Unit Test Results:  Go to Thinkcentral App (on ClassLink) Click My Scores and Expand all answers and show your unit post-test score to a parent.

4th Grade Math –

-Today we received our Unit 6 test.  Please bring it back with a signature tomorrow for me to see.  Then you can keep it!

-We have three  iready math lessons due by Friday.

-OLT due 3-24-23 (if you did not graduate or your parents still want you to do these).  If you did graduated, bring in your signed paper!

Social Studies –

-We are now spending our time focusing on the 5 regions of our country and what each area is most known for.  

Science –

-Motion and Matter focus questions: What happens when magnets interact with other magnets and with paper clips?  How is the magnetic field affected when more magnets are added?  Ask your child what a force is and what the two types of forces are.


If your child ever has extra time and you want to give him/her something extra to do, i-Ready reading and math lessons are always there waiting for them in ClassLink!  We are going to try to work on them when we have time in class to earn time for games on Fridays.  Every lesson your child completes is beneficial!

Week of March 10-14, 2025

  You will only be meeting with your child’s homeroom teacher for spring conferences.  P lease sign up for one time-slot with  your child...