Would you like to donate something? In a few shorts weeks we will begin planting in our classroom hydroponic garden and we can't wait! If you would like to donate seeds, we would be most grateful. In the past parents have donated things like basil, mint, chard, lettuce, and cilantro seeds. Herbs do very well in our garden and we can't wait to send some home for you to enjoy.
If you would rather not order online or go to the store, you can head to the Baldwin Public Library free seed store! Follow this link and they will get the seeds ready for you! Baldwin Library Free Seed Library! Please choose any herbs you like, kale, lettuce, mixed greens, spinach, or cabbage. PLEASE DO NOT SEND IN SEEDS FOR FRUITS, VEGETABLES OR FLOWERS. Thank you!
Picture Day is Thursday, September 22nd (see flyer inside blue folder)
***Does your child have headphones or earbuds at school? Please ask and be sure to send in a pair that can stay at school all year!
***Does your child leave class a lot to get drinks? If you ask and he/she says yes, please send a water bottle daily!
3rd graders - Read 20 mins (minimum) each night
4th graders - Read 30 mins (minimum) each night
(Bring in a chapter book to read in class. You will keep your book inside your binder)
Language Arts:
We published our mini-autobiography in our writer's notebook. We are reading chapters 9-15 in our community read. We want you to think about the importance and impact of how you treat others. We are working hard on learning to write down short summaries of the reading we are doing in class.
Spelling: Your child received his/her first spelling of the year. Ask to see it in his/her planner. Our first spelling test of the year is Friday, October 7th. We will play games on Power Spelling to help us practice!
This week's words have short and long e patterns.
3rd grade -
Strategy cards due Monday! (This was assigned on Wednesday.) Students should put the division cards in one set with a paper clip and multiplication in another set with a paper clip. Both sets go in the baggie. I gave students baggies with 2 large paper clips inside on Wednesday.
H= none
Study facts for 10 minutes
OLT due Friday, October 7 (Study before testing)
H/R book is in your child's binder and should be returned to school every day.
Third and fourth grade students received their math journal and homework and remembering journal. These will travel to school and home in the binder. Students should have a safe place in the binder to store these. We will use these in class every day. Students will need to bring a dark colored crayon and sharpened pencil(s) to math class along with both math books!
4th Grade –
HR 1-12 (don't forget at least one complete sentence for the Stretch Your Thinking problem).
Today in class we completed journal pages 31-32. Ask your child about the proper way to set up an algebraic equation!
Study facts to prepare for your online tests.
OLT due October 3rd (You also have a paper to be signed by this date as well). We will be assigned new online test on Monday!
We will have our Unit 1 test on Friday, October 7th!
Science –
Motion and Matter focus questions: What happens when magnets interact with other magnets and with paper clips? How is the magnetic field affected when more magnets are added? Ask your child what a force is and what the two types of forces are!
If your child ever has extra time and you want to give him/her something extra to do, iready reading and math lessons are always there waiting for them in ClassLink! We are going to try to work on them when we have time in class to earn time for games on Fridays. Every lesson your child completes is benefical!