Wednesday, May 25, 2022


Our word of the month is Inclusion/Acceptance.

 Ask your child how he/she can show these traits each day!

 Parents: Did you know that your child qualifies for a free Baldwin Library card?  Please use this link to get your child his/her own card.  This will allow us to connect all students to a vast library of ebooks and audio books.

Here's what we have for tonight:


Please empty your blue take home folder!

Book Orders: We placed our last book order of the year!

If you would like to place a book order, click on your teacher's link on the right side of this page. Click on the digital ALL FLYERS link to shop from all of the Scholastic flyers available!  

Language Arts

-We have finished typing our opinion writing essays in google docs and are so proud of the hard work your kids did!  Today your child is bringing home a letter that explains the next steps for editing and revising.  This assignment and letter are due signed by Wednesday, June 1st.  We are also happy to take them early!  ASK YOUR CHILD TO SHOW YOU THIS ASSIGNMENT TODAY!

***On the revising checklist, you can skip #2 or change it to "Does the essay focus on one main idea?"

-3rd Grade Reading:  Please read 30+ minutes

-4th Grade Reading:  Please read 30+ minutes

-Word Study: 

Word Study Test June 1, 2022

Students wrote the words and the WW study codes in their planner   and these can be printed at home from Power Spelling. We will work on the online Savvas (Schoology) assignment in class throughout the week.  Students will practice the words with games on Power Spelling.   

(Word Study Codes: WW - Within Word, SA - Syllables and Affixes and DR - Derivational Relations) Your child will know their list/code:

WW- Sort 14

SA- Sort 9

DR1- Sort 9

DR2- Sort 24

-3rd Grade Math Homework:  

- H 5-3

- We completed the unit 7 post test.  Share the test with your parents. 

(unit tests online: Go to Classlink-Think Central-My Scores) 

-Complete the 3 online quizzes.  (Most students finished in class.)  

-Study math facts for 10 minutes

- Xtramath: 3 times a week

We learned how to recognize perimeter and area.   We investigated the area of a rectangle by counting the number of square units inside the figure. We also found the perimeter of a rectangle by counting units around the outside of a figure. 

We will move on to Unit 6 and 7 before Unit 5 so that students have some practice with Geometry and Fractions before they take the M-Step in the spring. 

Share your test with a parent: To view unit tests online: Go to Classlink-Think Central-My Scores 

-To view unit tests online: Go to Classlink-Think Central-My Scores 

Three Times per week:  Complete a session with Mr. C until he says "You're Done!" You can complete more than one session by going out and signing back in again. 

 -4th Grade Math Homework:  

-HR 8-6


Our co-curricular schedule:

Mondays:      12:25-1:10 Eng. Tech/Art

                        2:35-3:20 Engage

Tuesdays:     12:25-1:10 Spanish

Wednesdays: 2:25-1:10 PE

                       2:35-3:20 Engage

Thursdays:   12:25-1:10 Spanish

                      1:15-2:05 Eng. Tech/Art

Fridays:         12:25-1:10    PE

Week of February 24-28, 2025

   Welcome back from Midwinter Recess! We're excited to see you and jump back into learning together ! We believe that creating an envir...