October 7, 2020

Wednesday, October 7

3rd graders will be taking the NWEA reading test tomorrow morning during math.   It is normal for students to answer only a portion of the questions correctly. Please do not help them.  

You can help make this a successful testing environment for your child by doing the following setup:

Test Day

1. Make sure your Chromebook, laptop, iPad, or desktop has an internet connection.
2. Disable Pop-up blocking on your internet browser.
3. Make sure your device meets testing requirements using the Device Readiness Check.
4. This NWEA Reference & Troubleshooting presentation may be helpful.
5. Make sure your child has headphones and check that the sound works.
6. Watch the MAP Growth introduction video.
7. Practice the test at practice.mapnwea.org (username: grow, password: grow) 
8. If you are experiencing difficulties with these instructions, please reach out to your building’s Instructional Specialist.

Teachers will be proctoring the testing session. At home instructions include:

1. Provide a quiet testing environment and minimize distractions as much as possible.
2. Stay logged into your teacher’s Zoom class.
3. Using another browser tab, visit the website test.mapnwea.org.
4. Enter the session name and password that you teacher gives you.
5. Choose your name and verify the test selected. Click yes if information is correct.
6. Wait for you teacher to confirm your test.
7. Remain on the Zoom with your teacher/proctor during the test.
8. Follow additional instructions from your teacher/proctor.

Here is your homework for today:

3rd Grade Reading:  20+ minutes

4th Grade Reading:  30+ minutes


3rd Grade Math: 

Xtra Math for ten minutes

Strategies cards for ten minutes

Online test due Friday


Use the letter your parent received in an email to register your child.  The email was generated through xtramath.  (You may need to check your spam folder.)  Please use a permanent marker to write 4 digit student pin as well as the registered parent email the account in the front cover of the planner.  This will allow your child to access his account at home or school!


Several students have timed test on x2 that needs to be completed.  Ask your child if he/she has completed this assignment that was due today. New online test on x3 is due on Friday, October 9.  Be sure to practice a few minutes a night to prepare before you take the test!

Strategy cards are due Tuesday!  Today I taught the students how to cut pages 42-63 in the homework and remembering book to make strategy cards.   Students will put the multiplication cards in one baggie and the division in another. These will be great to use each day for practice!

4th Grade Math: 

R 1-14

Online tests due Friday, October 9th

Book Orders due October 9 

Many kids have been asking if they can still do Scholastic book orders. The answer is yes!  You can find the information right here on this site.  They will deliver books to your house or school for us to get to you.  We earn money for our class by buying books with them.

Friday, May 17, 2024

    Ask your child to share with you their Opinion Writing Podcast produced on Seesaw!  The students did a great job on this  "Would Yo...