October 14, 2020

Wednesday, October 14

Here is your homework for today:

Material pickup for all virtual students is on Thursday!

3rd Grade Reading:  20+ minutes

4th Grade Reading:  30+ minutes


3rd Grade Math: 

R 1-12

Xtramath: 10+ minutes

Online quizzes due October 23 

Study *4 for 10 minutes each day

XtraMath:  Make sure you have enrolled in this program.  

Study your strategy cards for ten minutes (our focus this week is *4)

ThatQuiz Online Tests: Multiplication online tests should be completed.  Ask your child to show you his/her completed online tests for X2 and X3 (and any that are incomplete).  There are a few students who need to complete these.  


Use the letter your parent received in an email to register your child.  The email was generated through xtramath.  (You may need to check your spam folder.)  Please use a permanent marker to write 4 digit student pin as well as the registered parent email the account in the front cover of the planner.  This will allow your child to access his account at home or school!


Several students have timed test on x2 that needs to be completed.  Ask your child if he/she has completed this assignment that was due today. New online test on x3 is due on Friday, October 9.  Be sure to practice a few minutes a night to prepare before you take the test!

Strategy cards are due Tuesday!  Today I taught the students how to cut pages 42-63 in the homework and remembering book to make strategy cards.   Students will put the multiplication cards in one baggie and the division in another. These will be great to use each day for practice!

4th Grade Math: 

Show parents multiplication work 

Practice facts

Book Orders were submitted! 

Many kids have been asking if they can still do Scholastic book orders. The answer is yes!  You can find the information right here on this site.  They will deliver books to your house or school for us to get to you.  We earn money for our class by buying books with them.

Wednesday, October 14th 

Dear Families,

Thank you so much for sending your kids with all of their materials and

their smiles!  We could tell through their masks how happy they are to

be back at school and the excitement was contagious. 

Please continue to cross check the planner and blog at

the conclusion of each school day (3:15). 

Our blog address is www.fritzinbcs.blogspot.com.

The schedule has been updated. 

Things are constantly changing!  Please shred old copies and print new

for your children.  Below our schedule, you will also find the physical

education schedule for the year.  Please print for your records.

We look forward to seeing everyone for another great day tomorrow!


Scarlet Butzin and Julie Frishman

Updated 10.14.20 

Friday, May 17, 2024

    Ask your child to share with you their Opinion Writing Podcast produced on Seesaw!  The students did a great job on this  "Would Yo...