August 30, 2019

Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year!

Welcome, Families!

As you're enjoying the last weekend of summer, here are some logistics for the first week of school. We are looking forward to spending our days with your child. ðŸ™‚

Our first day, Tuesday, September 3rd, is a half day from 8:18-11:30. There is no lunch or Choice Hour. Wednesday will be our first full, normal scheduled day.

You may enter the 100/200 halls at 8:00. On Tuesday, your child will put ALL supplies (even binders) in his/her locker. It is very helpful if you send your child with a post-it or index card for their pocket that has their locker number and combination, along with how they are getting home at 11:30 (bus number or car pick up with your prearranged meeting place). On the first day, it is okay for you to enter the building at drop off and pick up times. It is also okay if your child wants to do it independently.

BCS has an independent dismissal, and your child needs to know his/her plan. At 3:20, children are dismissed from our rooms to go to Choice Hour or to meet you at your car. At 4:10, children are dismissed from their Choice Hours to go to their bus or to meet you at your car. On Wednesday, we will give a planner to your child, where he/she will write in Choice Hours for each day. At home, you should write in bus/pick up plans for each day.

Starting on Tuesday, please send your child with a healthy nut-free snack and a refillable water bottle. No chips, cookies, candy, chocolate. Our goal is to encourage snacks rich in protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. We model nutritious eating ourselves because good fuel gives us good brain power and good focus.

At least one student in our class has a serious nut allergy.  Please do not send any peanuts/tree nuts or foods containing peanuts/tree nuts to be eaten as snacks in the classroom. Students can enjoy peanuts and/or tree nuts at lunch time keeping their lunch in their locker until then.  Examples of tree nuts include almonds, cashews, pecans, walnuts, macadamia, pine nuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, Brazil nut, chestnuts, filberts and hickory nuts. It is okay for other students to eat snacks labeled “Made in the Same Facility as Tree nuts” or “Made on the same equipment as…” Just avoid snacks that have peanut/tree nut as part of the ingredients. For a safe snack guide (nut-free) go to the following link:

Thank you for entrusting us with your child!  We are going to make this your child's best school year yet!

Friday, May 17, 2024

    Ask your child to share with you their Opinion Writing Podcast produced on Seesaw!  The students did a great job on this  "Would Yo...